You can create a blank Import_Numbers spreadsheet (template), by selecting Export in My Datasets, or Export the Data Entry pages.


Import_Numbers templates cannot contain macros, custom formatting, or links to external workbooks.

oIf you import numbers with classes to the dataset, the value entered for tags is ignored.

oIf you import numbers to the dataset with tags, value for classes will be ignored.

The Excel workbook contains a group of worksheets. Each worksheet corresponds to a data entry page in a dataset.

Any data entered in the first two rows will be ignored by the program. Each worksheet of the Excel workbook reserves the first two rows for column headings. Column headings shaded in green signify the data required by the application.

The worksheet name after characters ## can be renamed. This name appears in the log file.  See Jobs for more information about the log file.

Do not modify the column order for the worksheet.

The cells for codes must have data, however, cells for balances can be empty. Empty cells are ignored. Entering a 0 (zero) overrides the amount.

If a duplicate row of data exists, the import will write over the initial row of data with the subsequent one.

Imports do not stop on a blank row. The information from every row of a template is imported into the system.

After the import is complete you will review the Import Log information in Jobs to ensure that no errors occurred to restrict data from being imported. There is a list of possible error codes and their causes available for reference.

Each worksheet can be imported either on a separate basis or with other import spreadsheet worksheets.


Dataset Import Worksheets

The export functionality generates a file with multiple worksheets: #U# Unit, #UQ# Unit Questions, #UPD# Unit Perm Diffs, #UNOLTD# Unit NOL TDs-Tax Basis, #UTD# Unit Temp Diffs-Tax Basis, #UATTD# U AfterTx TDs-Tax Basis, #UTA# Unit Tax Adjs, #UTBBS# Unit Tax Basis BalSheet, #ULB# Unit Liability Begin Bals, #ULC# Unit Liability Changes, #UTDAM# U Temp Diff-Bk Tx Basis, #UPDAM# Unit Perm Diff Amort, #UATTDAM# U AfterTxTD-Bk Tx Bas, #FL# Fed Liability Txns, #ICOTXNS# Inter Co Txns, #DSFX# FX Rates, #S# States, #SPM# State Perm Mods, #STD# St TD-Tax Basis, #SAATD# St AfterApp TD-Tax Bas, #SATTD# St AfterTax TD-Tax Bas, #STA# State Tax Adjs, #J# Jurisdictions, #USDSP# USDS Params, #UDSP# UDS Params, #DP# Dataset Params, #JES# Journal Entries, #JETAX# JE Tax Calcs, #JEGL# JE GL Calcs, #SL# State Liability Txns, #UQUEST# Questionnaires, #UQSTNS# Questions,#UQRESP# Responses, #COU_RATES# Country Rates (Hidden), #CUR_RATES# Currency Rates (Hidden), #S_RATES# State Rates (Hidden), #CTAA# Currency Translation Adj, #DSRF# Dataset RollFrwd, #TBM# Tax Basis Mapping, #PARTH# Flow-Through Header, #PARTD# Flow-Through Detail, #PARTTAG# Flow-Through Tags, #TCM_IS# Tax Calcs Mapping IS, #TCM_BS# Tax Calcs Mapping BS, #ALTRATE# Alt Prov Rates, #ALT1# Scenario 1 Adj, #ALT2# Scenario 2 Adj, and #UAPIC# APIC  Pool Amounts.