The Calculate Flow-Through Factor functionality allows you to establish rules then transfer data between entities with unlimited levels of hierarchy and push the detail in bulk. You can use the Flow-Through functionality to transfer a percentage of data from one unit to another.

Contact your Implementation Manager to set up the Flow-Through functionality.


Flow-Through assists with automating the following data flows:



Elimination Companies


Iterative Calculation

You can perform the calculation two ways: Manually or Automatically (during a report regeneration).


During calculation, the system:

Re-calculates all modified Source Unit data.

Deletes previous data before the Source Unit data is re-calculated.

Handles multiple parent/child relationships.

Generates consistent and repeated results.


Key System Information

Requiring an additional License to use the functionality.

Selecting either Class Datasets or Tag Datasets. Keep in mind that you set up Class and Tag datasets differently in the system.

Calculating the Flow-Through Factor Results, manually, in My Datasets.

Calculating the Flow-Through Factor Results, automatically, when running a report. Calculating Flow-Through, automatically, requires activating the system parameter, Automatically Calculate Flow-Through Factors in Reports.

Using the Source and Target relationship, Flow-Through Profile percentage, and an Elimination.


For more information about activating Flow-Through parameters, see Manage Configurations and Manage Licenses.


Note: If using Tag Datasets, see Flow-Through Factors and Tags.