In Administration > Import Categories you can import category items using the Import Categories template. The template is an Excel workbook containing multiple worksheets. Each sheet corresponds to a page found in Administration. Only Administrators can import the Import Categories template. After the template is imported, review Jobs for any errors that occurred during import.

2016 Tax Provision Navigation Bar Administration


Category items can be imported when data is populated in the Import Categories template. The template is an Excel workbook containing multiple sheets. Each sheet corresponds to a page found in the Administration area. Only Administrators can import the Import Categories template. After the template is imported, you can review the status in Jobs for any errors that occurred during import.


You can import Dataset Categories using the category spreadsheet.

To import a new dataset, complete the appropriate fields on the #CD# Datasets worksheet in the import categories template.

To import categories:

1.Select Administration and then Import Categories.

Import Categories

2016 Administration Import Categories

2.Specify the Categories Import File and then click Open.

3.For Categories Imported Successfully, click OK.

4.To review the progress of the import, select Jobs in the navigation bar.